What if the best games of the year literally went head to head and we watched the results? What could go wrong? Justin and Ryan explain what went wrong the first time and why the third gauntlet will be perfect. Plus, next gen console updates.
Show Features
Cast: Justin Lacey, Ryan Billingsley, JB Buckner
- What's Up? Grimmy Holiday, Grimmy House, New Toys
- Grimmy Time: Stories, Marvel Strike Force, What the Golf, Luigi's Mansion 3
- Change Games
- Speedrunning Ring Fit Adventure
- Crunchy Delays
- Feature: How Do We Games of the Decade
- Good Games
- Horizon: Zero Dawn to PC
- Doom Eternal Trailer Brings the Hype
- Hypetrain
- Ori and the Blind Forest, Judgment, The Last of Us